Monday, May 17, 2010

Picking Battles

After finding two toddlers attempting to swing from the kitchen light, after finding Justin in the sink more than once pouring water on himself and the counter, after many attempts to discipline, there are no longer chairs around our kitchen table. I have officially surrendered.
Oh, and these two didn't manage to get the chair on the table. Thank heavens! That was my genius. After way too many times of taking it away from Justin as he pushed it around the kitchen to use as a ladder, I thought I would solve the problem by putting the chair on top of the table. I put the chair up, went to get the vacuum, and was completely outsmarted.


Troedjen said...

Oh this picture is priceless...I love it! they are so super cute and quite clever if you ask me!!!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

*gasp* oh my gosh!!!!! I would surrender goodness. :)

Angela said...

Wow! That is pretty impressive!! I want to know how they got the chair up there.

Brittney and Zach Lundgreen said...

i just really love this is made me laugh!!!!!!!!!