Well, the truth is that I wish we could completely explain why Amber is in the hospital. She has not been feeling well for months, but this past week her color was terrible, just terrible. It was not the pale you would typically see when someone is not feeling well--it was a strange hue of yellow, gray, and white. She had been to a couple doctors and at an appointment last Wednesday they drew some blood and found her to be at a 10 on the anemia scale, which is 30% below normal.
Friday she stayed home from school and literally could not get up. I asked Sherri to puhleeeese call the doctor and tell him her symptoms because she just seemed to be getting so much worse. The doctor suggested they go to the ER. Amber didn't seem to think a trip to the hospital was necessary, but Travis took it upon himself to convince her to go.
At the hospital the blood work showed Amber's iron had dropped to a 5! The doctor's say it is a real possibility that she could have gone to sleep and slipped into a coma. If she weren't an active and otherwise healthy young woman she would have fainted long ago. She had to be transported via ambulance to St. Lukes Boise and received three bags of blood overnight. While there she is enduring test after test ,plenty of yucky drinks, no food, and finally surgery this morning trying to get her happy and healthy again.
So, she is in surgery right now and we are anxiously awaiting news...
We love Amber so much and are grateful to her family for allowing us to think of her as one of our own. The many prayers said for her from our home have been so sweet and touching. We know she will be better soon and she is the most beautiful sick person I have ever seen!
I love Travis' face in the middle picture! Was it really that painful to be there?
I 'LOVE' your title. Thank you guys so much for the care you give Amber. You ARE her family and she loves you dearly. The visit made her day :)You guys are just the greatest!!!
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