Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Celebrating a Miracle (or two)

It is amazing that a year has already passed. What a year it has been. I maintain that having twins is the funnest yet hardest blessing. They have brought so much joy into our lives. They have taught me to just go with the flow. They have helped us feel our Heavenly Father's love and trust in our family. This year has been full of what we call "twin moments". Twin moments are as simple as walking in the door from getting the mail, seeing both of them enjoying lunch in their high chair and having the overwhelming awe of realizing that there are TWO of them. Twin moments also include two babies up in the night, two babies each crawling in a different direction, two babies wanting to be held, two babies laughing, to babies babbling, two babies splashing in the bath...oh I could go on forever. All the joy of one baby--doubled.

Then and Now...

Justin and Megan's birthday was a celebration for all of us. We survived the first year! With the help of the kids, we decided on a circus theme, complete with cotton candy, popcorn, face painting, a bounce house, and pony rides. There are many angels on earth who have been so good to us this year and it was important that they celebrate with us too.

I love that my lap is still big enough for the both of them!

Jake the magician and Emma the clown!


Pete's Peppers said...

What a fun party! Happy birthday to your twins. YOur kids are lucky to have you as a mom.

mindy said...

Yay!!! I can only imagine what your year has been like. What an awesome party! i love throwing was a talent/passion I didn't discover until I became a mom. Here's to the rest of their lives!

Megan/Brassy Apple said...

OH I have been waiting for these pictures!

Looks like the party was a BLAST! too much fun!!!!