Jake is crazy about his baby brother and sister. Not every little boy could go from being the baby to the middle child all in one day and live to tell about it. He is always asking to hold one of them and can get them to laugh and smile by doing little more than pulling a goofy face. However, messy diapers make his love fain--he runs like a fox to get away before he sees or smells anything. If he happens to see or smell, boy does he wretch! He sure is his daddy's boy that way. Feeding bottles is something these two girls only care to help with when I am completely desperate and even then we sometimes have to resort to threats and bribery :) However, they absolutely love to feed the babies their baby food. They love to pick the flavor and then feed them. It sure is bath time for everyone when the event is over!
The babies are growing way too fast!! Megan got her first two teeth a week ago, and Justin's first tooth came through Friday. Justin sits up really well and is going to be crawling any minute. He can get up on all fours and move backwards. Meg is making all kinds of progress too. Her therapy is helping immensely, we see her progress everyday.
Mother's day was really special for me this year--I couldn't help but think back to last year--I was so worried about the two babies I was carrying and now here they are. What a miracle and a blessing!
oh my gosh! they are changing so fast! It's hard enough for me to feed my little guy and I think about you all the time feeding 2!!! :)
That sweet little Jacob!! He is so much fun!! Annie and Emma are such great helpers!! Way to go girls!!
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