Thursday, May 21, 2009

Little Helpers

Meg is such a help with the laundry!

Emma was trying to follow along as we read the scriptures this morning, but she had a little too much help. Justin would grab her book then Megan then Justin... :)

A Good Laugh

I put these on Justin to make a grumpy Jake laugh.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Therapy Today

We go to therapy for Megan, but Justin and Emma seem to enjoy the time there a little more than Megan does...for them it is play, for Meg it is a lot of work.

Hooray for Me!

The Wilder Methodist Church invited all the other churches in the valley to a chili cook off. A few hours before the event, we found out that our ward was missing an entry. Travis asked if I could whip up a batch of chili. Now, Travis doesn't care much for chili so I don't know that I have ever made it. So, I googled quick chili recipes and from that kind of created my own that I dubbed "3 Bean Missionary Chili" Ha! I wasn't very far into cooking, when the Monica Gellar in me came out and I wanted to win! I didn't, but I did get third place. Rumor has it that I also won the people's choice award, but the Methodists decided to give only one award per person. I would much rather have had first place in the people's choice than third from the judges! :) Also, I am convinced that the nice little grandma who won first from the judges used canned chili! Scandalous.

Sweet Girls

Look what Meg can do!! She is making so much progress.
Annie takes the role of big sis very seriously, especially when it comes to Megan. She loves to pick her clothes and find things to entertain her. Occasionally I let her change a diaper. She does pretty darn good. She is so sweet!

Oh, Jake! (again)

All the naughtiness was exhausting!

The other day I was in the kitchen making jam when the phone rang. It was Travis telling me that Jake had driven one of the Little Tikes jeeps to the corner of Allendale and Hoskins road. For those of you unfamiliar with the terrain, that is about a half mile first down a steep hill and the up an even steeper one! We go there everyday to pick Emma up from the bus. Somehow I have failed miserable y in helping Jake understand the reality of danger. He fears nothing including strangers, water, and obviously the road. I can only imagine Travis' surprise when her turned the corner and there was Jake driving up the road in a pink jeep. Travis swiftly gave Jake a spanking he will not soon forget and then made him drive home but this time Travis drove right behind him. I said a quick prayer thanking our Heavenly Father for protecting Jake once again, then I grabbed my camera I knew it was going to be quite a sight. As Travis drove behind Jake he would honk just to antagonize him. Jake was already drying and every time the horn would honk he would bellar even louder. When Jake got in the house he spent some quality time with his nose in the corner. We are still waiting for a sensible explanation from Jake on what on earth he was trying to do.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First Hair Cut

Justin got his first hair cut yesterday! He looks so handsome. He sat very still and curiously watched the whole process. He even got a first hair cut certificate. On a side note...Emma decided and was adamant that she also get her hair cut while we were there. I warned her it would be shorter, but that we could cut it into all one length if she wanted. She decided to go ahead and it was terrible!! Way shorter than either of us thought and it was about an inch longer in the back than in the front, kind of like a reverse a-line. She shed a few tears and today we went and got it fixed. I should have known better than to let Wal-mart cut her hair! Sorry Emma.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Jake is crazy about his baby brother and sister. Not every little boy could go from being the baby to the middle child all in one day and live to tell about it. He is always asking to hold one of them and can get them to laugh and smile by doing little more than pulling a goofy face. However, messy diapers make his love fain--he runs like a fox to get away before he sees or smells anything. If he happens to see or smell, boy does he wretch! He sure is his daddy's boy that way.
Feeding bottles is something these two girls only care to help with when I am completely desperate and even then we sometimes have to resort to threats and bribery :) However, they absolutely love to feed the babies their baby food. They love to pick the flavor and then feed them. It sure is bath time for everyone when the event is over!

The babies are growing way too fast!! Megan got her first two teeth a week ago, and Justin's first tooth came through Friday. Justin sits up really well and is going to be crawling any minute. He can get up on all fours and move backwards. Meg is making all kinds of progress too. Her therapy is helping immensely, we see her progress everyday.

Mother's day was really special for me this year--I couldn't help but think back to last year--I was so worried about the two babies I was carrying and now here they are. What a miracle and a blessing!

Worn Out

Friday, May 1, 2009