Saturday, November 15, 2008

Falling for Fall

I must admit I normally don't care much for fall. As beautiful as the colors and smells may be, to me it is just a precursor to winter and I hate winter. However, this fall may have changed my opinion forever. It has just been such a wonderful season with the birth of the twins and a few other miracles that every fall from here forward just may remind me of this one thus changing my opinion forever.

Yesterday the babies were sleeping and I was scurrying about as I do when they are both asleep. It really is quite a site to see. One woman doing a half dozen things at one time while she has a few minutes! Back to I was scurrying I heard the most wonderful commotion outside. It was the screams and giggles of the older kids having some kind of wonderful fun. I peeked out every door and window and finally found them behind our willow trees playing in the fallen leaves. Annie had even found the rake and was busy pulling all the leaves into a pile and getting everyone set to run and jump. I ran inside to get my camera and Jake followed me saying, "Mom, do you wanna play in the leaves? Do ya?! Do Ya?!" My minutes to scurry quickly turned to my minutes in the leaves. It was so fun! See, I am falling for fall.

Emma is such a big help to me! Sometimes I find myself counting down the minutes until she is home from kindergarten. Friday while I made lunch she tended Justin right to sleep.

Justin has really taken to his bink. I couldn't be happier--blessings come in so many different ways, even in the form of a bink!


Pete's Peppers said...

your kids are so cute, congrats on your twins. Our twins haven't really seemed like twins because Ashton is so glued to our oldest daughter all the time. Make sure you take time for yourself once in a while. It's the one thing that keeps me sane! (most of the time) we just started a blog too it is aaron and darla

Brandi said...

I'm glad you've fallen for fall! I personally love the fall, even though I HATE winter. This year we're actually getting a fall. Yay! Anyway, darling pictures!

mindy said...

what fun! our fall has been much nicer this year than last, too.

And Emma is your clone!! They are all so cute, but she is like a walking time machine for me! :o)

Joey and Michelle Chandler Family said...

I must agree I do love binkis! Emma is in kindergarten? So is Jaycee. I guess I didn't realize they were in the same grade.

bkbishopfamily said...

jamie jo-congratulations on all things good happening in your life right now, you certainly deserve it! your family is gorgeous, and I absolutely agree with Mindy that Emma looks just like you! your posts are hilarious, it's like I'm talking to you in person with visuals-love it! Travis and Jake strike me as two peas in a pod-way to go, Travis...kendra jo