Saturday, March 10, 2012

Parents of the Year

Sometimes as parents we have those moments when we think, "Are we raising good children?" Here is today's indicator:This was written by Jake with his new found love of phonics. Annie was concerned because he spelled it incorrectly. Yes, parents of the year here.

P.S. He only wrote the line through the word once he realized he was in trouble.


Brittney and Zach Lundgreen said...

this is the best!!!!!! hahah he is such a funny kid!

mindy said...

Yeah, where do these kids learn that word? It pops up inexplicably around here, too! I tell my kids that swearing is for adults...if you save it until you are a grow up, it will be more effective. Plus, what do kids have to swear about? :-)

Joey and Michelle Chandler Family said...

your blog always makes me laugh. :)