A confident second grader...
Ready to ride the bus home with dad...
It is hard to believe summer is over and it is already time to go back to school. The girls are very excited about their teachers this year and were excited to go. Emma was really excited to join the ranks of elementary schoolers and especially to ride the bus home. However, Jake was disappointed not to have been able to join his sisters at school and particularly Emma on the bus ride home. He did find it appeasing to avoid boredom by chasing his mom with a frog. It was as though he was able to sense my anxiety, and before I knew it he was right on my big bellied tail exclaiming, "He's gonna get you!". Oh, Jake...you are so much like your dad!
For me, the first day of school is a sad one. This year the day came with mixed emotions, as it also marks one of our last milestones before the babies can safely arrive. It is almost unbelievable to think that in about a month we might finally be able to meet our yet to be named bundles of joy. Tomorrow we get to see them again at an ultra-sound appointment. It will be nice to confirm gender, see how big they are, and see how they are sitting.
Jamie, I'm the worst friend ever! I think about you everyday and I am not exaggerating! I've been meaning to call a hundred times. Your kids are beautiful. I drove past a medical supply store today, they were advertising support hose and I immediately thought of you. Hee Hee. I'm sure "mulva" has set up permanent residence with you and I hope you aren't too uncomfortable. Please call me or email soon.
Love you and wishing you the best!
Hey woman! welcome to the blogging world!
I'm so excited to be able to check here often for photos and updates about your family.
I'll be by soon! PROMISE! :)
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