Yesterday I took the three oldest kids to the dentist. The twins went a couple of weeks before and have so many cavities that they will require anesthesia to fix them. The older kids were cavity free! Phew!
I texted the dentist the morning of the appointment to tell him Jake's front tooth was more than ready to come out and we were NOT leaving his office with that tooth. After looking at his teeth, the dentist told me were were leaving there without BOTH front teeth. So...Jake got a little topical numbing and a visit from the forceps. I fully anticipated carrying him out of there hysterical, but he was so brave! He was thrilled. He looks so grown up.
He saved the teeth from the tooth fairy for one night so he could take them to school. Looks like we will have a visit from the tooth fairy tonight (if she remembers...she has a tendency to forget).
1 week ago