Well, for the third time it appears my dad has cancer. The first time around involved surgery and it was a nightmare. Second time involved four chemo treatments that were really quite manageable. Now, he needs surgery again. We are all a little jumpy considering how the first surgery went. We know history won't repeat itself because of all that we learned the first time around, but we also know it won't be until at least the end of August until Grandpa is feeling better.
So...we had a "Cancer Sucks" party. If you want to hear something cute, have Megan tell you about the party.
We had everyone out to our house for a simple lunch and then loaded everyone up in the pickup (with Marc and Jake on the four wheeler) and went to our neighbors home fashioned water slide. Poor Aaron had the flu and couldn't make it. We missed you Karen, Owen, and Aaron.
It was a fun day.
1 week ago